Wednesday, September 12, 2007

thoughts on Steve

I think that The Digital Rights Management Theory is not a good idea I totally agree with Steve on this I think he's right but if they were going to have to chose from one of the options I would take the easiest one and definetely the least expensive. There is always someone trying to hack or get into the system to stop from having to pay for the music. So Digital Rights Management really wouldn't go that far at all.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

The 2000 dollar computer

I would choose a computer from best buy for only $1,779.00. The computer would be a Apple i Mac 2.4 GHz with 24'' display screen. It is in all in one computer with all the necessary components needed to achieve it's full potential. I would buy this particular computer because the customer rating is also high and because Apples are one of the best computer systems around. They may not be the cheapest but they are one of the best.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Pearl Jam VS AT&T

I believe that net neutrality is a good thing for the Internet. It is a major issue. People should only be allowed to state certain opinions or views publicly. These statements could start conflict or confrontation regarding their opinions. If they are kept to themselves then they won't have to debate on the issue or invlolve government.

AT&T acted very ethically in there decision to mute what Pearl Jam had to say. They were sponsoring the event and had every right to do what they wanted. The show would have never gone on without AT&T and there sponsorship. Pearl Jam should be content with the decision AT&T made to mute their comments. What AT&T did was an example of Net Neutrality.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

How do you use the internet?

You can use the internet by clicking the start button with your mouse. Then you go up to your internet icon, click on it then the web page will be opened. You are now on the internet and all web access should be available. If you know the url of the internet site you would like to go to then you may punch it in and you will go directly to that site. If you do not know the url address then you may use a search engine like or also available There are many search engines for you to use to help guide you to the websites you wish to go to.